Carnevale at Carnevale

Brand Identity, Digital Design

To celebrate the Italian festival of Carnevale (also known as Mardi Gras), the Grand Rapids-based design firm Carnevale threw a lavish party for their clients. I was tasked with creating a user experience which served as the interactive invitation to the event


Choose Your Own Path

This web-based invitation was designed like a choose-your-own-adventure game. After finding themselves in a fortune teller’s abode (with the fortune teller mysteriously missing), users can choose to interact with a number of items found inside. When they reach the end of the narrative, the user’s fortune is predicted as they stare into the teller’s crystal ball. Depending on the user’s choices, their fortune changes drastically. All fortunes allude to an important party in the near future and allow users to RSVP to the event.
